Pre Primary
Mrs Brooke Allen – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Mrs Danielle Bewley – Thursday, Friday
Education Assistants
Ms Sharon Lund – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Ms Sarah Clinckers – Thursday, Friday
The Pre Primary program will develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the children by providing them with a variety of multi-sensory, sequential experiences which will be relevant and meaningful. The program will provide an appropriate balance of directed and non-directed group and individual experiences. Our program is based on Investigations through Play. The program provides the integration of all learning areas into a variety of topics. Topics are subject to change or redirection if the children display an interest in a certain area.
The following learning areas should give you some insight into the integrated learning experiences that we will be covering:
- Spiritual/ Social/ Emotional Domains
- Spiritual Domains
Our Religious Guidelines for this term are:
- I Can Talk To God
- Gift Of Life and
- The Church Community
- The understandings that we hope to achieve through our schoolwork and home activities will be outlined in letters sent home at the beginning of each unit.
Social/Emotional Domains
To separate from parents without difficulty. Identify and express emotions in appropriate ways. Develop a positive sense of self. Develop appropriate social behaviours such as sharing, taking turns, complying with requests and helping others in and outside of the classroom.
Cognitive Domain
Language – a variety of books, storytelling, drama and role play, news, environmental print, finger plays, chants, nursery rhymes, songs, listening, memory games and the writing table. The main focus will be on the development and extension of oral language. Especially on the sounds and letter recognition of the alphabet.
Holy Spirit School uses a PLD Program which develops the 3 main components of learning:
- Oral Language
- Perceptual Motor and
- Literacy
We have also introduced many ideas from the Kath Walker Approach to play based learning to our programs.