Pre Kindergarten
Ms Jenny Connelly
Education Assistants
Ms Margaret Wray
Pre-Kindergarten is available for children 3 years old on Tuesday and/or Thursday from 8.50 am -2.45 pm.
The Pre Kindy program at Holy Spirit School aims to develop the knowledge and skills for the children by providing them with a variety of interesting multi-sensory experiences. Our program is based on ‘Investigations Through Play’ using the Early Years Learning Framework as our guide. The program provides integration of all learning areas in a variety of topics. We work closely along each child to ensure they are equipped with the skills they need in order to be successful learners through planned and spontaneous play activities and opportunities.
Through play children learn to:
- Make sense of their world;
- Develop and explore their own interests and ideas;
- Develop curiosity, creativity and problem-solving skills; and
- Build relationships, social skills and language.
Children are able to attend Pre Kindy at Holy Spirit School once they have turned three years old, on a Tuesday and/or a Thursday. The program is an introduction to the school community for the children and their families and sets the foundation for future school learning. The Pre Kindy program caters for the children’s development across the physical, cognitive, language, social, emotional and spiritual domains.
The Early Years Learning Framework has the children’s learning defined as ‘Belonging, Being and Becoming’. The Learning Outcomes are:
1. Children have a strong sense of identity
2. Children are connected with and contribute to their world.
3. Children have a strong sense of wellbeing.
4. Children are confident and involved learners.
5. Children are effective communicators.
Children’s Daily Requirements
- Bag – with their name clearly written on it.
- Hat – the school has a ‘NO HAT, NO PLAY IN THE SUN’ policy.
- Sunscreen – please ensure that you put sunscreen on your child every morning to promote sun-safe behaviour.
- Kindy has a supply of sunscreen if you forget and need some.
- Fruit/Lunch – each child will be required to bring a packed morning tea and lunch in a lunch box.
- Drink bottle – clearly labelled containing water.
- Change of clothing – suited to the season, should be kept in a labelled plastic bag in your child’s school bag to allow us to quickly attend to accidents or spills.
- Nut Intolerant – please be aware that many children are allergic to nut products. Food with nuts or traces of nuts should not be brought to Pre-Kindy and your child will not be able to eat them if they do bring them in.
- Please ensure all items bag, hat, bottle, lunch box and clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name.