Digital Learning

iPad Use Philosophy


At Holy Spirit, we view technology as an enabler and our vision is that all our students have the confidence and capability to be responsible creators and user of technology to maximise their learning. The use of iPads in the classroom is considered a complementary tool, not to replace traditional learning methods, but to provide students new ways to innovate, inspire and learn.

Holy Spirit wants all students and teachers to access technology and world class learning tools, to engage students in deep and rich learning experiences, develop students’ technological skills and enable creative and innovative learning experiences beyond the classroom that will impact student performance. Holy Spirit supports a connected learning community by its 1:1 digital program to include all students in Years 3 to 6, with shared iPad access in early years and junior primary. Across all classrooms a consistent approach is adopted to digital learning and technology to deliver the curriculum.


Why iPads?


The iPad is an extremely versatile device that enables students to become creators of content and demonstrate their learning. Best practice of digital learning and digital pedagogies focuses on co-creating authentic learning experiences with an emphasis on developing the competencies of students. These include but are not limited to creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, citizenship, problem solving, digital literacy.

The iPad in its design allows for excellent quality multimedia production as well as the ability to produce content with a myriad of apps, maximising the benefits of both the Apple and Microsoft core suite. When combined with a stylus, the iPad enables students to display their creativity at another level, as well as all the benefits of digital inking and design. Additionally, iPads offer outstanding reliability, durability and management controls.


Cyber Safety:  Holy Spirit Online Safety Hub



The iPad Parent Handbook is part of our school policy.  All students and parents are required to read and agree to the iPad Agreement Policy (K-3 and Year 4-6).  Please refer to the attached policies:

Holy Spirit Parent Handbook

Holy Spirit Primary ICT Policy

2022 HSCPS Year 3 iPad User Agreement Policy

2022 HSCPS Years 4-6 iPad User Agreement Policy