Our History

Holy Spirit Parish began in 1960 with Archbishop Raymond Prendiville appointing Fr Thomas Phelan as the inaugural Parish Priest. The Parish serviced all of City Beach and part of Wembley Downs on the Eastern boundary and South Scarborough on the Northern boundary. Mass in those days was celebrated in the local government schools until a Presbytery and school building was erected in 1964 where Mass took place on the site of the current school.

Holy Spirit School commenced in February 1965 with the Dominican Order of Nuns led by foundation Principal, Sister Mary Dominica Davis. Thirty three children were enrolled for year one and two with lay teachers joining the staff in the following years.

In 1973 the Holy Spirit Church was built and then blessed and opened by Archbishop Goody in the following year of 1974. The next decade became a time of growth and development for the school with the hall and toilet block built and opened in 1980 followed by the Pre-Primary Classroom, Kindergarten and Library extensions, new Administration Wing and Year Seven classroom spanning the years up to 1988.

In 1993 two new classrooms were completed and the current Administration block opened with funds raised by parishioners and low interest loans. In 1998 Fr Phelan celebrated his Golden Jubilee recognising fifty years as a Priest, with thirty eight of those years guiding the Catholic community of City Beach Parish. Fr Phelan was a greatly respected Parish Priest who was instrumental in developing the Parish and school in the past to enable all in the Holy Spirit Community to enjoy the tremendous resources we have in the strong links that exist today between Parish and School. Fr Phelan passed away in 2007 and is fondly remembered through the building of an Adoration Chapel by his successor Fr Don Kettle. Fr Don has built up a good relationship in the school and guides our celebrations of the Sacraments, class Masses, and special occasions. Fr Don is a member of the School Board and regularly keeps contact with students through class visits.

With the advent of the BER Federal Government Grants to schools, Holy Spirit School built a new Library, two new classrooms and refurbished the Pre-Primary classroom and the School/Parish Hall. A Literacy Room was created from the space gained and now stores our test data and is used as a Student Support Centre.

From the school’s establishment in 1965 through to its operations today the influence of the Dominican Order remains strong. We have been blessed with fine leadership through past Principals and acknowledge them all for their personal effort and endeavour during their time in leadership.




Mr Ben Will


Mr Steve Versteegen

2011 – 2022

Miss Paddy Buckley

2002 – 2010

Mr Hamish Valentine

1997 – 2001

Mr Richard Cavanagh

1989 – 1996

Sister Imelda Ryan

1983 – 1988

Sister Mary Dominica Davis

1965 – 1968

Sister Mary Rosarii Keenan

1970 – 1982

Sister Gemma Seaman

In the past and right up to our present operations the effort and endeavour of our parent group in the Parish and School can never be underestimated. Holy Spirit School today is a vibrant and family orientated community with a highly motivated School Board and Parents and Friends group that actively support the Principal and staff in all their duties and responsibilities. The Parents and Friends Association was formed back in 1965 with the initial School Board coming together in 1969. These days the School Board and P&F meet each month to regularly communicate and support the efforts of all concerned in the promotion of Faith and Learning.We now enjoy a beautiful single stream school that caters for Pre-Kindergarten children with two sessions each week, Kindergarten for three sessions, full time Pre-Primary and classes from Year one through to Year Six.