Get Involved

You can get involved in your P&F by
  • nominating for the P&F committee or Parent Class Representative,
  • volunteering to help make our events or initiatives successful,
  • attending P&F meetings or
  • sharing your ideas and thoughts about what the P&F can do to enhance the Holy Spirit community and the education experience for our children.

The Holy Spirit P&F is an independent organisation. Parents elect their Committee at the School Annual General Meeting (AGM).  The P&F Committee work in close consultation with the Principal to achieve the objectives of the P&F.

The Committee for 2024

President Suzy Varley 
Vice-President Anna Owen
Secretary Sarah Rogers
Treasurer Natasha Cunningham

Class Representatives play a vital role at Holy Spirit by providing a direct link between the P&F and the parents in their respective class group. They fulfil an essential role by helping to foster positive relationships amongst teachers, students and parents, and by enhancing communication and organisational links with the P&F.

Any parent or primary care giver can be a Class Representative and all parents are encouraged to consider volunteering. The P&F Committee is supported by Parent Class Representatives who nominate prior to the AGM.

Being a Class Representative enables parents to meet parents and friends within the school community, and to become more involved in their child’s school environment.

P&F Meetings

Every parent is welcome and encouraged to attend the meetings held by the P&F committee. The P&F Meetings are a friendly, relaxed and casual environment in which parents are kept up to date on School business and activities. Reports are given by the President, Principal, Treasurer and sub committees on various events and initiatives; open discussion allows communication between parents and the P&F.

At least one class representative attends the meetings on behalf of the year group, but any parent is always welcome to attend.


Have a say in how the Holy Spirit P&F raises and spends funds for the children of Holy Spirit. Do you have an idea on the ‘little extras’ needed to make the children’s school life better? Or have you seen a new playground concept that you think would work perfectly at Holy Spirit? Is there an app that will make communication between the school and parents more seamless? We’d love to hear from you! Speak to your class rep or email one of the committee.

We understand you may not always be able to attend school or catch-up with your class representative and as such welcome any suggestions or feedback.   The authors of any feedback will be kept private if requested.