Dear Parents / Guardians,


Throughout your child’s enrolment at Holy Spirit School, our teachers will enhance lessons and routines with visiting presenters (‘incursions’) and activities delivered off site (‘excursions’). Incursions and excursions are designed and safely delivered to the same standard as regular classroom instruction and in accordance with CECWA Policy.

Students are expected to attend and participate in all excursions and incursions, therefore we are asking for a response of understanding from all parents and guardians. Submitting a response below will cover your child for all expected incursions and excursions for 2023, including transport, either by school vehicle or chartered bus.

You will always be notified of excursions and incursions in advance. A written note will include enough information for you to prepare your child and inform their teacher of any issues relevant to their safe and full participation.

Please enter your child’s details and sign below to confirm your understanding for your child to participate in incursions and excursions, and your obligation to inform us of any changes to your emergency contact and allergy information.

Yours sincerely

Ben Will


Permission Slip – 2024 Excursions & Incursions


I understand that my child/ren listed below will participate in incursions and excursions as part of the educational programme at Holy Spirit School. I understand that throughout the year they will be transported via school vehicle or chartered bus. I will notify the classroom teacher of any updated information relevant to their safety and wellbeing.