iPad User Agreement Policy- Years4-6 (for use at school and home)


The iPad and associated accessories are the property of Holy Spirit School.
2021 is the first year of the 3 years lease to return arrangement with Winthrop Australia.


The iPad is for use at school and home as an integral part of the learning program at Holy Spirit. As such, it must be
• brought to school every day, fully charged ready for use (chargers are to be left at home).
• placed in a large pencil case or wet bag (ie from Kmart)
• taken home at the end of each day (if required by class teacher)
• maintained in good working condition
• used only by the student to whom the iPad has been assigned to
Students have access to Holy Spirit’s Wi-Fi from 8.15am to 3.15pm


Students and parents will support the care of the iPad by ensuring that they do not

  • do anything likely to cause damage to the iPad
  • mark or deface the iPad or its case
  • leave the iPad in such a place that it is easily lost or stolen
  • engrave the iPad or its case
  • keep iPad next to any food or drinks


All devices have Apple Care+ and Protescure Insurance
If an iPad is lost or damaged, please let the Principal know immediately.
In the event of where any damage, theft or loss has occurred and how it happened, will depend on if the parent or school pays for the excess.
$65 excess for any accidental damage
$100 excess for theft and loss
$48 to replace charger
(Parents will have the option whether their child is to take home the charger that has been assigned to their child).


As part of each student’s enrolment at Holy Spirit, they are assigned a CEWA Managed Apple ID and student CEWA email address and password. Whilst passwords can be changed by the ICT Administrator, students will have the same email address if they change to another Catholic primary school or enrol at a Catholic high school. This email address provides students access to back up storage, Apple Suite apps, Seesaw and Microsoft 365 Suite which is provided by and managed by the school.


1. Will students be able to use social media on the iPad?
Students will not be able to access social media at school. According to the law, there are age prerequisites when using social media. In fact, there is no app store on students’ devices.
2. Could a student have their iPad taken from them?
Yes. The school reserves the right to remove this privilege. The iPad will be removed if a student is in breach of our ICT Information Policy. Parents will be notified should there be a breach of policy in regards to iPad use.
3. What happens if one student damages another student’s iPad?
The iPad User Agreement Policy strictly states that iPads are not to be loaned to other students and must be kept in a safe place at all times. However, in the instance where an iPad is accidently or maliciously damaged by another student, the incident should be reported immediately to the teacher. The teacher will then follow strict protocols that will involve consultation with the school’s Leadership Team to find a satisfactory solution.
4. What happens if the iPad just stops working?
Any issues with the technical operations of the iPad need to be brought to the attention of the teacher as soon as possible so that the school can arrange to have the issue resolve. Apple Care for Enterprise will provide technical support 24/7 over the phone for Apple Hardware and for any operating systems ie Keynote and Pages.
Phone Number: 1300 760 237 Pin: 2933
5. Home Internet Access
Students can set up wireless networks on their iPads to assist them with iPad use whilst at home. Penalties for misuse if a student breaches this policy by using IT in an unacceptable, inappropriate or unethical way, will be in line with the school’s Behaviour Management Policy, and range from:
• a warning to the student
• the student’s access to the school’s network being either suspended or revoked

The use of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) is a part of an overall teaching and learning program and is embedded in the General Capabilities of the WA Curriculum. Digital Technologies is also an identified strand of the Technologies learning area within the curriculum. Students will have access to the internet and apps under teacher direction through the school’s wireless network. Home use is under parental supervision. Although student use of the internet will be of an educational nature, it is possible that students may come across material that is not in accord with school or family values. CEWA and the school have filters and a firewall in place to minimise this, but with the growing nature of the internet, 100% filtering cannot be guaranteed. As a school, we explicitly teach Cyber Safety and provide students with procedures to deal with these situations. We would also encourage parents to discuss these matters with their children.

Holy Spirit School Student/Parent Agreement for iPad Use

Please read the following carefully with your child.

I am aware of acceptable use of the iPad:
• I will use my iPad in ways that are appropriate and educational.
• I will use appropriate language when using emails, journals, or any other forms of communication.
• I will be mindful of my digital footprint. Therefore, I will not create, nor encourage others to create, discourteous or abusive content.
• I will not use electronic communication to spread rumours, gossip, or engage in any activity that is harmful to myself or other persons.
• I will keep my personal information, such as name, address and contact details to myself and not share them on the internet.
• I will remember that all internet social sites require users to be 13+ years.
• I will never put photos of myself or others on the internet.
• I will never look at anything that is inappropriate on the internet, and if I see something that is inappropriate, I will tell an adult rather than share it with another student.
• I will stay focused on tasks and only use the apps my teacher has indicated.
• I will have permission from my teacher before visiting sites on the internet.
• I will take good care of my iPad.
• I will store my iPad appropriately when I am not using it.
• I will protect my iPad by only carrying it while it is in the case provided.
• I will keep my iPad inside my schoolbag to and from school.
• I will never lend my iPad or give my password to other individuals (except with teacher / parent permission).
• I will charge my iPad’s battery daily and arrive at school with my device charged.
• I will keep food and drinks away from my iPad since they may cause damage to the device.
• I will clean the screen with a soft, antistatic cloth ONLY and not use cleaners.
• I will not disassemble any part of my iPad or attempt any repairs.
• I will not place decorations (such as stickers, markers, etc.) on the iPad or iPad cover, or do anything to permanently alter the iPad in any way.
• I will not remove or deface the serial number or other identification on any iPad.
• I will accept responsibility for all damage or loss caused by neglect or abuse.
• When leaving school my iPad will be in its protective case in my bag.
• I will only use Airdrop for tasks related to my learning or when requested by a teacher.
• I must have my notifications turned off when at school.
• All digital communications during school hours must be learning related.
• I will regularly ensure I have enough memory on my iPad by keeping photos that are required for school and minimising the number of other unnecessary photos.
• I will allow teachers to manage my device during class via the Classroom app and other managed programs/software.
I am aware that the following unacceptable use will not be tolerated:
• Using ICT without permission or without supervision by a teacher
• Visiting any site that has not been approved by the teacher
• Using the internet to access offensive or inappropriate information
• Interfering with emails or files belonging to others
• Downloading anything without the teacher’s permission
• Inappropriate use of social media, apps, websites or communication forums
• Using the iPad to bully, frighten, harass, annoy or upset a person.
Unacceptable use of the iPad may result in the iPad being confiscated and unavailable for use for a set period of time. Each case of unacceptable use will be unique and will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Parents will be notified.


iPad User Agreement Policy- Years4-6
iPad User Agreement Policy - Years4-6
I do require a charger to be issued with my iPad. *

Student Agreement
I have read and discussed this agreement with my parent(s)/guardian(s), and accept the terms by which I shall use my iPad at Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School. I am also aware of the ICT policy by students. I understand that if I am in breach of the Holy Spirit iPad Agreement, I may lose my iPad and technology resources privilege (in discussion with the school’s Leadership Team). *
