Dear Community Members,

Students at Holy Spirit School will be involved in school activities where they may be photographed. Photographs of students may be used in a variety of media to celebrate a student’s success in a particular area or for educational purposes or to promote activities at the school. Photographs of children are also used in newspapers, newsletters, social media and school promotional materials both print and digital.

Our students often enjoy having their photo taken around the school and they love to see their photographs in the school material.

We ask for parental permission to publish children’s photographs. No child’s photograph will knowingly be published without parent permission.  In some instances, if an unapproved child is in a group photo that we would like to use, we will blur out their image to protect their identity.

Kind regards,

Ben Will


Permission for photographs of my child to be published in newspapers, school and CEWA promotional materials, special displays and I am aware that this may be accompanied by my child’s first name. *
Permission for my child’s photograph to be used in the Holy Spirit School newsletter and website. *
Permission for my child’s photo to be used on social media including Facebook and Instagram. *
I acknowledge that ownership of such material is retained by the school *

Child / Children's Details

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