Holy Spirit School Advisory Council

OUR LEADERSHIP STRUCTURE ensures there are clear, concise and shared goals across the School. Our Advisory Council oversees the governance of the School; our School Leadership Team is responsible for the planning, strategic direction and management of the School; and our Student Leadership takes on the responsibility of representing our students at the highest level.


The Holy Spirit School Advisory Council is constituted to help the School fulfill its educational responsibilities in accordance with the policies and practices prescribed or recommended by the Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia (CECWA), and in accordance with Diocese guidelines and prescriptions for the religious education program.

The Advisory Council is bound by the CEWA Advsiory Council Terms of Reference.

Council Members are usually appointed at an Annual General Meeting held each November based on their expertise, qualifications and experience to enhance business and affairs, as well as ensure compliance. Our Principal, Ben Will, is an Ex-Official member of the Council and has the delegated responsibility to lead Holy Spirit Primary School.

The Advisory Council is established to support the Principal to fulfil their responsibilities in leading the Catholic Identity, Education, Community and Stewardship functions of the Catholic School in pursuit of CEWA’s vision to be Christ-centred and child-focused.

The Advisory Council must carry out the following functions:

(a) support planning for the present and future operation of the Catholic school;

(b) provide membership, at the Principal’s request, on selection panels for the employment of staff to the Catholic School in accordance with the relevant CECWA Policies and Executive Directives;

(c) provide membership on the panel that recommends the appointment of a principal in accordance with the relevant CECWA Policy and Executive Directives; 

(d) in consultation with the Principal, communicate about the Catholic School and about Catholic education to persons and organisations in the School Community;

(e) endorse the Catholic School’s annual budget before submission to CECWA for approval; and (f) advise the Principal on school financial matters such as performance against budget, sustainability, and capital and recurrent planning.

School Advisory Council 2024


Ciemone Rowbottam

Vice- Chair

Franca Pellegrini


Brian Flynn


Alesha Adair

P&F Representative

Suzy Varley

Parish Priest

Fr. Emmanuel-tv Dimobi


Ben Will

Assistant Principals

Elisha Martinovich, David Colace and Brooke Allen (rotating throughout the year)


The Council is bound by the CEWA School Advisory Council Terms of Reference.