Our Policies



Additional School Procedures & Guidelines:

Holy Spirit Code of Conduct

Holy Spirit Pastoral Care Policy

Student Leadership School Based Procedure

Holy Spirit Bullying and Harassment Management Procedure

Holy Spirit Behaviour and Support Management Procedure

Mobile Phone School Based Procedure

Attendance Procedures



Additional Information:


The Child Safe Framework

Please refer to the below link for CEWA’s ChildSafe Framework which ensures key practices and elements are embedded across the school community.

CEWA ChildSafe Framework

Keeping Safe:  Child Protection Curriculum

At Holy Spirit, all students participate in Keeping Safe:  Child Protection Curriculum lessons.  Keeping Safe is an evidence based, highly regarded, best practice child protection curriculum that has been developed in collaboration with child protection experts, teachers, educational leaders and other professionals.  Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum  is divided into 5 documents specific to the year level/s of the children.  The curriculum across each of the year levels addresses the same two themes and focus areas appropriate to the developmental level of the children.

Class teachers will inform parents through the Term Newsletter, what specific topics are taught each term.

Keeping Safe  is predicated on two themes:

  1. We all have the right to be safe
  2. We can help ourselves to be safe by taking to people we trust

The themes are delivered to children across four focus areas that increase in complexity:

  1. The right to be safe
  2. Relationships
  3. Recognising and reporting abuse
  4. Protective strategies


Administration of Medication

Parents/Guardians of students who require access to medication at school must complete an Administration of Medication form. As a general rule, please be aware of the following:

  1. Asprin will not be administered to students without a medical practitioner’s written instructions
  2. Analgesics, eg paracetamol, will not be administered to children without the written authorisation from parents/guardians.
  3. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that all medication is:
    • Appropriately packaged
    • Clearly labelled with the name of the medication
    • Clearly labelled with the student’s name and year
    • Clearly labelled with the dosage and frequency of dosage


Accident / Medical Report Book

All accidents that require first aid or minor treatment are documented. In situations where medical opinion is sought as a result of the accident, an accident report is completed along with the parent/guardian or emergency contact being notified to confirm further action.


Dispute Resolution

    • Any issues of dispute or complaint must be addressed in the first instance at the school level with the class teacher or Principal.
    • Where the parties are having difficulty achieving a resolution at the school level they may request the assistance of the Director of Catholic Education or Congregational Leader.
    • Any party may appeal the Principal’s decision to the Director of Catholic Education who will then, in turn, review the decision.
    • Any party may appeal the Director of Catholic Education’s decision to the Minister for Education. The Minister for Education will review the process utilised to resolve the dispute or complaint but will not review the merits of the matter.
    • Holy Spirit Complaints Procedure and Guidelines

How to deal with a dispute or complaint in a Catholic school


School Hours

8.30am First bell warning. Classrooms are opened by the class teacher.  Students may be dropped off to school at this time
8.50am Class commences
10.40am Recess
11.00am Return to class
12.45pm Lunch
1.25pm Return to class
3.10pm School bell for the finish of the day
  Any students not collected at 3.10 will be taken to the School Office to wait for collection.


Late to school / Leaving early – Sign-in required

The School bell for the beginning of the first class for the day is rung at 8.50am.  If your child arrives at school after 9am you must go to the school office to complete the sign-in / sign-out register.

Likewise, if your child needs to leave school prior to the final bell at 3.10pm you must go to the school office and complete the sign-in / sign-out register.


Privacy Policy

CEWA Privacy Collection Notice

CEWA Statutory Privacy Policy



If children are unwell they should not be sent to school. If they become ill or have an accident at school a parent or the emergency number will be contacted to come and collect the child. A room is supplied in the Administration Building for children who cannot be collected.

The school is required to report various communicable diseases to the Department of Health.  Various communicable diseases require exclusion from the school.  Full information can be found in the following brochure:

Communicable Disease Guidelines

If you are worried about a child’s health, always seek medical advice or call healthdirect Australia on telephone 1800 022 222 (24 hours).


Sun Safe Policy

Holy Spirit School follows the Sun Protection: Best Practice Guidelines for West Australian Schools  developed by Cancer Council WA.